Highside Labs
Highside Labs is a small, fast-moving software consultancy specializing in e-commerce API integrations.
We have built dozens of custom e-commerce applications for our clients across numerous languages, platforms, and environments. Our work spans Amazon's Selling Partner and Advertising APIs, Shopify's REST and GraphQL offerings, eBay's SOAP and REST APIs, and more.
What We Do
We focus on e-commerce marketplace APIs. You name the platform, we've probably worked with it. Our deepest experience is with Amazon's Selling Partner API (we wrote the most used SDK for it, with ~3M downloads), Walmart's APIs (we maintain the only up-to-date package for that too), and eBay (we've worked with both their old SOAP API and their newer REST offerings).
Have your own developers, but need help figuring out the best data retrieval strategy for a particular marketplace? We do lots of pure consulting engagements for just that reason. Already know what you need, but don't feel like learning the ins and outs of the e-commerce API landscape? We've already done that, so you don't have to. Just need to onboard onto a new platform? We've successfully applied for dozens of developer accounts.
We have lots of experience in other areas too — D2C e-commerce APIs like Shopify, full-stack web development with Next.js/Nest.js/Laravel, web3 integrations — if you need it, we can probably build it. And if we can't, we will refer you to someone who can.
Email us at hi@highsidelabs.co, or click the button below.
Have your own developers, but need help figuring out the best data retrieval strategy for a particular marketplace? We do lots of pure consulting engagements for just that reason. Already know what you need, but don't feel like learning the ins and outs of the e-commerce API landscape? We've already done that, so you don't have to. Just need to onboard onto a new platform? We've successfully applied for dozens of developer accounts.
We have lots of experience in other areas too — D2C e-commerce APIs like Shopify, full-stack web development with Next.js/Nest.js/Laravel, web3 integrations — if you need it, we can probably build it. And if we can't, we will refer you to someone who can.
Email us at hi@highsidelabs.co, or click the button below.
Behind the Scenes
I'm Jesse— hi! I grew Highside Labs out of what started as a part-time e-commerce API consulting business. Eventually, I figured it made sense to separate my professional life from my (many) hobbies and side projects, so I started a real business.
To bring some IRL fun into my very online work live, I built (with LOTS of help) a sister project for Highside Labs called Highside Workshop: a collaborative venue and workspace in Brooklyn. If you're curious, you can check out what's going on in the workshop here!